Ashby Kindler

Ashby KindlerTV GUEST 10.08.2013 WHAT CONSTITUTES A GOOD EDUCATION?  English teacher for six years in alternative education systems, president of UVA’s Phi Delta Kappa Chapter (professional organization for educators). 14 years as a public school administrator at all three levels—elementary, middle and high school

 Since 2010, principal of Murray High School and the Community Public Charter School (a middle school), two of the four charter schools in the state of Virginia

 Prior service includes being principal at Stone-Robinson Elementary School, which earned Governor’s Awards for best practices in nutrition and physical activity. Ashby’s schools, including Stone-Robinson and Murray have received state awards for academic excellence

 Holds Reality Therapy Certification from William Glasser Institute, leader in Choice Theory educational practices. Murray reflects psychologist and educator William Glasser’s philosophy that school should be both nurturing and productive through student and teacher relationships build upon trust and respect

 Choice Theory revolves around student empowerment to help make decisions that affect their learning environment and curriculum. It features Mastery Learning– no student receives a failing grade—if their work is below a B level; they keep improving their work until they reach that level. Curriculum is based upon independent weekly projects as opposed to nightly homework assignments

 Murray was the first Glasser Quality High School in the world in 2001. It regularly hosts visits from educators around the world. For the past two years, it also has hosted an on line conference for hundreds of educators from five continents on educational best practices